“Her dad– yeah, the artist– I think he has something going on, y’know?” (none of your business)

“His aunt’s coming over this weekend. Yeah, the one with the issues. Ugh” (are you going to talk about me like that?)

“I’m so sorry you have to live with bipolar disorder” (actually you’ve known me my entire life untreated and this diagnosis is a relief because now I can fix it so you should be apologizing for all the years you ignored it before now)

“You made me think differently about people like you.” (good to know you hated us before)

“Your boss and I talked about your… condition… and what to do about it and if you have a, uh, medical provider, uh..” “My therapist?” “Yeah that.” (didn’t you just lead a seminar about stigma?)

“As long as the voices aren’t in your head, haha!” (must be nice that it’s a joke for you, a wealthy doctor)

“Ugh, she sounds so bipolar, sorry you have to deal with her.” (whelp I am definitely not outing myself to you)

“The weather is so bipolar today!” (that would be interesting if true)

“I’m so OCD about this haha” (you better be OCD and coping with humor)

And so it goes…